Title: Cosmic Roots of Falls
Medium: Oil on Recycled Hard Wood
Genre: Abstract
Size: 4"x4"
Artist: Lisa Lej
Year: 2019
Value: US$30
The seasons are life lessons for us to learn. I love autumn and the symbols that teach me how to embrace change and prepare for what is to come. I understand that the following are also associated with this period:
1. Preservation
Autumn represents the preservation of life and its basic necessities. During this time, animals prepare for the winter by storing food and creating cozy hibernation spaces. Farmers work on their fall harvest by collecting a reserve of crops. We also tend to retreat indoors and focus on cultivating a safe and comforting home. In a way, the autumn season offers us a chance to reconnect with ourselves as we preserve our safe havens.
2. Protection
As summer morphs into autumn, we exercise self-protection by wearing layers and thicker fabrics. We also tend to focus on our health by boosting our immunity through habits and nutrition. Ultimately, autumn doubles as practice for heightened awareness of your self and surroundings.
3. Comfort
In the same vein as protection, comfort is strongly symbolized by fall. This season is prime time for seeking comfort in the midst of dropping temperatures. Creating a serene and snug space is one of the best perks of autumn, after all. It also gives you a chance to learn about what makes you feel warm and safe.
Affirmation: I am stronger, wiser and more confident with each new day.